Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Scene: Juliet Christopher and I are driving home from picking him up from school.

Me: what is that animal called that is a unicorn with wings?

Juliet: Alicorn

Christopher: Those don't really exist.

Juliet: Well not in this world (duh)!

Christopher: No, they don't exist.

Juliet: They exist in Equestria...

Christopher: Juliet that is just a tv show.

Juliet: Ya of a different world (and she is looking at him like she just doesn't understand how he doesn't get that).

Side note: I have really noticed lately that Juliet really believes in different worlds. She always asks if certain animals live on our planet, or how do we get to other planets, or she tells me of things she is pretty sure happen in other worlds. I really don't want to burst that bubble of hers it just seems so magical.

Monday, November 25, 2013

It was in the sheep stomach! It was a duck egg!

Scene: Juliet, Christopher and I are driving home from picking him up from school. We are talking about our imaginary farm that we all dream about having. Christopher had just asked me if we would kill our sheep and I said no we will raise them for wool. Then Juliet joined the conversation.

Juliet: If the momma and the dadda sheep had a baby it would come out and hatch and then the momma would think there is a rock in her stomach.

Christopher: Sheep don't lay eggs.

Juliet: I know! That's why there is a rock in her stomach! Well she would think there is a rock in her stomach.

Me: Juliet, what are you talking about?

Juliet: The momma sheep would have a rock that she thought it was a rock in her stomach after her baby sheep came out and hatched and it was a duck.

Christopher: ....uuuuhhh....

Me: So the duck egg would come out of the sheep???

Juliet: NO!!!! ( said like I am an idiot)

Me: So then the rock is a rock? Inside the sheeps stomach?

Juliet: NO!!! The rock is a duck egg!

Christopher: Like did it slip in as the baby sheep was coming out?

Juliet: NO!!!! It was in the sheep stomach! It was a duck egg!!

Me: So the sheep is going to lay the duck egg?

Juliet: NO!!! The rock that is a duck egg it is in the sheep stomach that is going to come out and hatch and be a baby duck.

Me: So the sheep is going to lay the duck egg?

Juliet:..................................... Ya ( said in the key of duh).

Christopher: Can I have a turn to speak?

Monday, November 18, 2013

It finally happened

Scene: We were at Walmart going into an isle while a little person (not really sure what the proper term is...) was leaving the isle.

Juliet: (now this should be said in the "that puppy is the most adorable, ever" voice quite loudly while pointing) Look at that little person!

Side note: This has never happened with either of my kids. I have never had to deal with them yelling something embarrassing in public and oh I was so embarrassed!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

See my plate!

Scene: Finishing up lunch.

Juliet: I finished all my lunch!
Me: What?! Really?... did you feed it to the dog? (because she doesn't eat, like ever)
Juliet: No! They are outside. I ate. It. All.
Me: Bring me your plate. Let me see.
Juliet: OKAY!
She goes and gets her plate and runs back all excited like.
Me: Um...
Juliet: See, I ate it all!
Me: Um, Juliet. (This is when I pulled my camera out)
Juliet: What? (I took a picture and then that's when she saw it.)

That is a wii remote... not a plate, just in case you don't know

Juliet: Oh (giggle, giggle, giggle) that's not my plate!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I don't want to get sick.

Scene: Driving home from playgroup.

Juliet: I really wanted to go outside with N.
Me: It's to cold to play outside and it is raining.
J: Oh. I really wanted to play outside with him.
Me: Juliet, it is so cold and rainy outside. It's not a good idea.
J: I really wanted to run through the sprinkler.
Me: No! You would get so wet and cold.
J: But I have my raincoat on.
Me: It doesn't work like that. You can't get wet outside you will get so cold.
J: But I have my raincoat on...
Me: Juliet if you go outside and get wet and cold you could get sick.
J:......................... Is it my bath night?
Me: Yes....
J: Well I guess I can't take a bath tonight then... I get wet and get cold in the bath and I don't want to get sick.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Throw Ups

Scene: Driving my son to school. Juliet battles with car sickness. It is actually really sad. Sometimes I forget to give her the oils behind her ears and this was one of those times.

Juliet: Mommy! I had throw ups come up and I sucked it back down! (said quite proudly)

Friday, November 1, 2013

It's Invisible!

Scene: Christopher, Juliet and I are stuck in traffic. I am pretty sure it is due to a train but we are way to far back to tell.

C: The light is green. Why aren't we going?
Me: Oh, I think there is a train.
J: (matter of fact like) No, I don't think so.
C: How do you know? You can't see.
J: Ya ha! It's invisible!

I wish I had a photo of Christopher's face.