Juliet giggling: Mommy you blocked yourself!!!
Me: Juliet, you know you want to put the colours together.
Juliet: Mmmhmmm (playing with pieces on the table)
Chris: Ya, did you see how she paid attention to you?
Me: Juliet! What do you want to do with the colours?
Juliet: PUT TWO IN!!
Me: NO! You want to put them together!
Juliet: Look I put two together!

Every body just shakes their heads.
Side note: Juliet tends to win a lot of family game nights. Mainly because she is so out of it in her own world playing her own game. I am convinced now that it is all for show. She knows exactly what she is doing. She kicks our butts to much for it to be all chance. She is sneaky... so sneaky. She acts all innocent and cute but I know she is calculating.
On the first round tonight she won so fast! I think I only had 4 pieces on the board. When we saw she won we all started yelling and hitting the table like crazy people! Chris had his face in his hands saying I CAN'T believe it!!
Look at that face!
Trying to act all surprised.