Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Scene: Juliet Christopher and I are driving home from picking him up from school.

Me: what is that animal called that is a unicorn with wings?

Juliet: Alicorn

Christopher: Those don't really exist.

Juliet: Well not in this world (duh)!

Christopher: No, they don't exist.

Juliet: They exist in Equestria...

Christopher: Juliet that is just a tv show.

Juliet: Ya of a different world (and she is looking at him like she just doesn't understand how he doesn't get that).

Side note: I have really noticed lately that Juliet really believes in different worlds. She always asks if certain animals live on our planet, or how do we get to other planets, or she tells me of things she is pretty sure happen in other worlds. I really don't want to burst that bubble of hers it just seems so magical.

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