Monday, November 25, 2013

It was in the sheep stomach! It was a duck egg!

Scene: Juliet, Christopher and I are driving home from picking him up from school. We are talking about our imaginary farm that we all dream about having. Christopher had just asked me if we would kill our sheep and I said no we will raise them for wool. Then Juliet joined the conversation.

Juliet: If the momma and the dadda sheep had a baby it would come out and hatch and then the momma would think there is a rock in her stomach.

Christopher: Sheep don't lay eggs.

Juliet: I know! That's why there is a rock in her stomach! Well she would think there is a rock in her stomach.

Me: Juliet, what are you talking about?

Juliet: The momma sheep would have a rock that she thought it was a rock in her stomach after her baby sheep came out and hatched and it was a duck.

Christopher: ....uuuuhhh....

Me: So the duck egg would come out of the sheep???

Juliet: NO!!!! ( said like I am an idiot)

Me: So then the rock is a rock? Inside the sheeps stomach?

Juliet: NO!!! The rock is a duck egg!

Christopher: Like did it slip in as the baby sheep was coming out?

Juliet: NO!!!! It was in the sheep stomach! It was a duck egg!!

Me: So the sheep is going to lay the duck egg?

Juliet: NO!!! The rock that is a duck egg it is in the sheep stomach that is going to come out and hatch and be a baby duck.

Me: So the sheep is going to lay the duck egg?

Juliet:..................................... Ya ( said in the key of duh).

Christopher: Can I have a turn to speak?

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